英语单词 红联
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adj.: …眼的;有孔眼的;有眼状花纹的;有(某种特点的)眼睛的
n.: 眼睛;有…眼睛的;有…只眼的;视力
v.: 注视;审视;细看
网络: 目;眼光;眼部


  • 眼睛:

    either of the two organs on the face that you see with

  • 有…眼睛的;有…只眼的:

    having the type or number of eyes mentioned

  • 视力;眼力:

    the ability to see

  • 眼光;视角:

    a particular way of seeing sth

  • 针鼻儿;针眼:

    the hole in the end of a needle that you put the thread through

  • 风纪扣扣眼;金属环眼:

    a small thin piece of metal curved round, that a small hook fits into, used for fastening clothes

  • 风眼(风暴等的中心平静区):

    a calm area at the centre of a storm, etc.

  • 芽眼:

    a dark mark on a potato from which another plant will grow

  • 极注意地看;留神地看;全神贯注地看;目不转睛:

    to be watching sb/sth carefully and with a lot of interest

  • 当着某人的面;就在某人的眼皮底下:

    in sb"s presence; in front of sb

  • 忙于;埋头于;深陷于:

    to have a lot of sth to deal with

  • 用眼光瞥(或扫);匆匆查看;粗略地看一看:

    to look at or examine sth quickly

  • 看见;注意到:

    to see sb/sth

  • 以眼还眼;以牙还牙:

    used to say that you should punish sb by doing to them what they have done to you or to sb else

  • (表示贪吃)眼大肚皮小,眼馋肚饱:

    used to say that sb has been greedy by taking more food than they can eat

  • 只供某人读(或看):

    to be seen only by a particular person

  • 能进行准确判断(球的速度和方向):

    to practise so that you are able to judge more clearly how fast and where the ball is going

  • 对…有鉴赏力(或识别力、眼力):

    to be able to judge if things look attractive, valuable, etc.

  • 脑后长眼;眼光敏锐;什么都能觉察到:

    to be aware of everything that is happening around you, even things that seem difficult or impossible to see

  • 洞察一切;眼尖:

    to be able to notice or see everything

  • 做另一件事的同时(悄悄)注意:

    to look at or watch sth while doing sth else, especially in a secret way so that other people do not notice

  • 密切注视;盯住;监视:

    to be watching sb carefully, especially to check that they do not do anything wrong

  • 看中;看上:

    to be thinking about asking sb out, offering sb a job, etc. because you think they are attractive, good at their job, etc.

  • 想得到;想买到:

    to be thinking about buying sth

  • 从(法律、世人等)的观点看;就…而言:

    according to the law, most people in the world, etc.

  • 按某人的意见;在某人眼里;依某人看:

    in sb"s opinion or according to the way that they see the situation

  • 照看;留神;留意:

    to take care of sb/sth and make sure that they are not harmed, damaged, etc.

  • 密切注意;提防;警觉:

    to look for sb/sth while you are doing other things

  • 眼睛盯着大事;密切注意关键问题:

    to continue to give your attention to what is most important

  • 留心;注意;仔细查找:

    to look carefully for sb/sth

  • (坦然或问心无愧地)直视某人,正视某人:

    to look straight at sb without feeling embarrassed or ashamed

  • 向某人送秋波;向某人抛媚眼:

    to look at sb in a way that shows that you find them sexually attractive

  • (表示不相信):

    used to show that you do not believe sb/sth

  • 与某人看法不一致(或意见不尽相同);与…不敢苟同:

    to not share the same views as sb about sth

  • 目不转睛地盯着;始终注视着:

    to find sb/sth so interesting, attractive, etc. that you watch them all the time

  • 失败;挫折;失望:

    a result, action, etc. that represents a defeat or disappointment for sb/sth

  • 只钟情于某人;只爱某人:

    to be in love with only one particular person

  • 从别人的角度看:

    to think about or see sth the way that another person sees it

  • (对…)视而不见,熟视无睹,置若罔闻:

    to pretend that you have not noticed sth so that you do not have to deal with it

  • 不再关注重要问题:

    to stop giving your attention to what is most important

  • 在某人的密切注视下;在某人的监视下:

    being watched carefully by sb

  • 眼不见(心不烦);眼不见为净:

    if a person does not know about sth that they would normally disapprove of, then it cannot hurt them

  • 瞅机会捞一把:

    with the hope of using a particular situation in order to gain some advantage for yourself

  • 着眼于;目的在于;试图:

    with the intention of doing sth

  • 明知后果如何;明知有问题;心中有数:

    fully aware of the possible problems or results of a particular course of action

  • 轻车熟路;毫不费力:

    having enough experience to be able to do sth easily

  • 注视;审视;细看:

    to look at sb/sth carefully, especially because you want sth or you are suspicious of sth


  • 远眺

  • 打量,端详

  • 觊觎

  • 盯住,逼视

  • 看,观看;偷看;盯着看,注视,凝视

  • 在…打眼

  • 看,瞧,瞅,望,看一眼;用…眼光看待

  • 【气象学】风眼,风吹来的方向

  • 【植物;植物学】(马铃薯等的)芽眼,花心;(菊科的)花盘;【微生物学】眼点;【物理学】光电池,光电管

  • 见解,观点;判断

  • 〔美俚〕侦探;私人侦探

  • 注视,注意,注目

  • 眼状物;洞;孔;环;圈;(鱼卵、虫卵的)小黑点;色斑;(孔雀的)翎眼;眼状斑点;针眼;锚眼;钩眼;靶心;(索端的)索眼;圆窗

  • 视觉,视力;眼力,鉴别力,眼光,观察力

  • 眼睛,目

  • 眼神,眼睛的表情

  • 眼睛,眼球,眸子,明眸


  • 复数:eyes

  • 过去分词:eyed

  • 现在分词:eyeing


  • adj.+n.:

    left eye,greedy eye,blue eye,brown eye

  • v.+n.:

    rub eye


n.judgmentappreciationsensetastediscriminationv.look atstare atgaze atwatchobserve


  • But even then, to the naked eye Mars appeared as nothing more than an extremely bright yellowish-orange star, not at all like the full moon.


  • Unconsciously, a twinkling of an eye, you are a small 15-year-old man, and in the days of her mother"s arms as if , a thing of the past.


  • She pictured him tall, slim, cynical; with eye-glasses, and his hands in his pockets; and she did not like him.


  • To do this, ask the patient to cover one eye, hold the card about 14 inches away from his eyes, and read aloud the smallest print possible.


  • So to avoid any danger she always used to feed on a high cliff near the sea, with her sound eye looking towards the land.


  • Intentionally or not, it was an eye-opening, symbolic criticism that shouted: "You lawmakers work as slow as turtles! "


  • The two of them, Krista with a patch of gauze taped over her eye and Smudge with hardly any sight at all, sat by the garden pond.


  • The twinkling of an eye one end of the last day has arrived, and Arthur did not find an answer, so go talk witch.


  • This ensures that only one of the two images being shown is seen by each eye and forces the brain to turn them into a moving 3D image.


  • But I will backup you at your back. Even your eye sight can"t stop at me for more 1 second. I will care about you and protect you silently.


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