
the reasons to like the linuxOS

发布时间:2008-07-05 21:17:08来源:红联作者:Dywesz
today , i reinstalled my SUSE linux system, just for some special ones. Also , I make another settings in it. for me , a linux inhabitant, it does not take me much time. And i found it is much easy to make your desktop more beautiful N powerful than ever.

The limited steps are: install SUSE linux by the default settings-->add responsitory communities-->update my system--->add compiz responsitories--->install *xine*, compiz*,cairo-dock*.So easy!N the result is so good . just like the following ones:

1:more easy N beautiful way to switch your app-windows:

2:another common way to switch them:

3:beautiful and powerful cairo-dock. your can know the weather in the next five days,using the weather plugins:

4:beautiful widget on your desktop:

5:media with wonderful effect.some people say" bad way to play media in linux!", and if the one re-get the linux platform, he will say "sorry".:

6:firefox3.0. it is one important reason for you to like linux. not only because you can use it in linux, but for" you can use it in linux before the windows users", i have had it uodated just one day before the windows people get the note to update their firefox2.0. it means that the linux family can have be more effective.

N firefox3.0 is more powerful than ever. faster,easier to use,more beautiful and so on. (in the screenshot ,gxine is used to play the media in firefox.u can use others, too)

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