
Using rpm.livna.org in FC6 and later

发布时间:2007-11-11 10:18:06来源:红联作者:Gifotce
Ananconda (the Fedora installer) since Fedora Core 6 is capable of using external RPM repositories during install. It's quite easy to use.

When you hit the general software selection screen in anaconda, enable Fedora Extras if using Fedora Core 6 or enable "Fedora" if using Fedora 7 or greater by clicking on the Checkbox in front of it.

Now add the rpm.livna.org repository by clicking on the button "Add additional software repositories". A small window will show up; give it a "Repository name" of your choice like "rpm.livna.org" and add the proper URL for rpm.livna.org in the "Repository URL" field. An example for Fedora 7 on an i386-machine would be "http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/7/i386/".

For different Fedora version simply replace the '7' with the desired Fedora (Core) version.
For and x86_64- or PPC-machine simply write "x86_64" or "ppc" instead of i386.
Next, select the "Customize now" checkbox and click on "Next". You'll be led to the next screen where you can customize what packages get installed. Many of Livna's packages can be found in the "Applications" and the subgroup "Sound and Video".

The repository won't be enabled or used in the installed system if you forget that, but you can fix that simply by installing the livna-release package later.

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