
Linux Ubuntu Directories and File Systems

发布时间:2008-03-26 15:58:33来源:红联作者:Buyto
Someone maybe asks that why you don't translate this article into chinese doubtablely!

So do I!You should see the directories and systems carefully:all those are the words'abbreviation! If you can understand the senteces about the Directories and File Systems ,that is tosay ,you have bear all the commands in mind! At least,I have. What do you think about ?

Linux and Unix file systems are organised in a hierarchical,tree-like structure.The high level of the file system is the/or root directory.In the Unix and Linux design philosop everything is considered a file-including hard disks,partitions and removable media.Tmeans that all other files and directories(including other disks and partitions)exist und the root directory.For example,/home/jebediah/cheeses.odt shows the correct full path to the cheeses.odt file that exists in the jebediah directory which is under the home directory which in turn,is under the root(/)directory. Underneath the root(/)directory,there is a set of important system directories that are common across most Linux distributions that are used.The following is a listing of common directories that are directly under the root(/)directory:

bin- important binary applications
boot- boot configuration files
dev- the device files
etc- configuration files,startup scripts,etc...
home- local users'home directories
lib- system libraries
lost+found- provides a lost+found system for files that exist under the root(/) directory
media- mounted(loaded)removable media such as CDs,digital cameras,etc...
mnt- mounted filesystems
opt- provides a location for optional applications to be installed
proc- special dynamic directory that maintains information about the state of the system,including currently running processes

root- root user home directory,pronounced'slash-root'Getting Started
sbin- important system binaries
sys- system files
tmp- temporary files
usr- applications and files that are mostly available for all users to access
var- variable files such as logs and databases

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