
WELCOME TO JOIN English Linux!

发布时间:2007-11-05 12:57:37来源:红联作者:JustForLOVE
[i=s] 本帖最后由 linuxguy 于 2010-1-12 18:37 编辑 [/i]

Welcome to join in English Linux. Here, you can learn English and Linux. Also, we can communicate and make friends here. I believe we can make it. And let English Linux become a famous place in Honglian. Let's work hard for it.
linuxguy , JustForLove

共有 74 条评论

  1. phoenix007 于 2012-08-30 18:53:01发表:

    This is a good idea

  2. register89 于 2012-08-22 14:26:41发表:

    女生就是这样,每次买东西,总要考虑很全面。呵呵 ,我也是这样,买一次面膜也要考虑是不是防过敏,补水效果怎么样,等等。呵呵,研究了好久,到网上查到,12年新出现的新品牌,德丽斯康的生物纤维面膜很不错呢。它的材质是生物纤维的,补水美白效果很明显。在这个炎炎夏天是最好不过啦。

  3. zmmfkp38 于 2012-08-06 20:25:19发表:


  4. haijun.zhao 于 2012-06-11 19:52:45发表:

    English is important for Linux.So I think English is base of high Linux.

  5. aaa12 于 2012-05-29 10:31:08发表:

    communicate communicate!!

  6. aaa12 于 2012-05-29 10:30:28发表:


  7. aaa12 于 2012-05-29 10:29:32发表:


  8. abbycin 于 2012-04-08 16:30:35发表:

    I cannot beleive that there should be someone come to pick out other's mistakes,God bless me!

  9. 独孤一郎 于 2012-02-06 13:00:25发表:

    I think this is needed

  10. refineyang 于 2012-01-02 10:15:08发表:

    oh,we can learning english for computer and learning linux, that is good things. come on, everyone ,jion in english linux.

  11. 居高声自远 于 2011-12-02 20:22:55发表:


  12. aaa12 于 2011-11-30 16:56:35发表:

    very good .we will study hard for english and linux

  13. aaa12 于 2011-11-30 16:55:53发表:

    very good .we will study hard for english and linux

  14. smilewx2006 于 2011-08-20 21:26:50发表:


  15. chaipeng 于 2011-08-17 11:29:43发表:

    Thanks {:3_108:}

  16. ayongw 于 2011-06-26 11:34:48发表:

    That's very good!

  17. jecan 于 2011-06-20 15:51:07发表:

    nothing can't stop us

  18. qq-tianqi 于 2011-06-13 21:48:14发表:

    yes,we can do it.

  19. longlian 于 2011-06-04 13:58:23发表:

    I like that !

  20. SniperGhost 于 2011-05-22 10:36:24发表:

    It's a good idea

  21. yangze000 于 2011-05-04 21:38:02发表:

    i think it is not easy

  22. lzk90s 于 2011-04-03 14:13:33发表:


  23. leekinglee 于 2010-09-29 16:44:54发表:

    maybe .

  24. shenhao0129 于 2010-06-10 21:41:51发表:


  25. flhappy520 于 2010-03-19 18:21:41发表:

    haha, god bless you guys

  26. 想学好技术 于 2010-03-13 12:10:04发表:

    yes, we can do it just for love

  27. taocn 于 2010-02-18 03:26:36发表:

    1# JustForLOVE

    Think you!

  28. carlsplace 于 2010-02-12 20:11:15发表:

    Perhaps I need an e-dictionary.

  29. zxh535260 于 2010-02-05 11:48:35发表:

    Let us work for linux and make linux more and more popular

  30. Summerserenity 于 2010-02-04 21:09:43发表:

    support and hope all can use english speak together.

  31. lijiang 于 2010-01-13 12:41:28发表:

    humanity to others

  32. linuxguy 于 2010-01-12 18:34:25发表:

    5# jerrya

    OK ,thanks for pointing out the mistake.I have already replaced it!

  33. ubchia09 于 2010-01-01 21:31:04发表:

    Just do trying to learn it

  34. liumang 于 2009-12-31 11:52:55发表:


  35. rabbitgnu 于 2009-12-18 14:36:48发表:

    {:2_104:} 我英语`很烂```{:2_95:}

  36. zhouhedy 于 2009-10-29 10:51:08发表:

    it is hard to learn english but i want to learn it. come on everybody

  37. lilesi456 于 2009-10-12 20:50:25发表:

    I am here

  38. 网络终结者 于 2009-10-11 11:53:05发表:


  39. 扬州幸运儿 于 2009-08-25 19:50:02发表:

    coming and learning

  40. greatesteclipse 于 2009-08-14 19:55:00发表:

    It's not necessary to think too much.Just do!