Ok, Ive had time to tinker with linux now, and between me and my flat mate Id say we have installed 3 or 4 types of Linux atleast 15 times now lol.. This whole linux thign was literally kickstarted because the eeepc ships with linux underneath - purely for speed/cost reasons, but me and my flat mate have literally become linux heads within a week due to an ASUS OS choice for a relatively obscure computer.
Anyway, the verdict? about an hour after my last post defending Xandros it kept narking me how buggy it was, so I removed it and put Xubuntu on. Sweet Xubuntu is arse kicking, and I was going to blog about how good it was, but then I got side tracked by Ubuntu! On the desktop we started to play around with it and it is very very nice. It was a one of those jump for joy moments when we got Compiz Cube going(!!) and also "envy" to install the nvidia drivers and the glxgears reporting something ridicuous like 7000 fps (and the really slick screen savers program is NUTS its so fast and amazing looking - couple that with the Compiz cube and youre cooking with some seriously cool looking OS gas). So Im not sure about Ubuntu on the eeepc, but Im actually just about to install it onthe vaio. I can say though that Xubuntu is indeed a very nice OS for the eeepc, better than Xandros Id say for speed.
More news on my linux / eeepc / vaio meanderings soon. Also I must say, after getting back into the command line, i actually prefer using it in linux for many many tasks, the tab completion and ability to go up using the cursor is very nice. The fact it remembers from the last session is excellent, and if youre into that sort of thing, the transparent command line window with nice colours is down right beautiful :) Linux is beautiful, and fast.. gone are the archaic horrible days of linux being a purist OS. If youre considering but think it will be too technical, give it 2 weeks and you'll be ok :-)
Ubuntu feels like I was imagining AmigaOS5 would.. its like a seriously modern and fixed up OS with that graphical spark and speed, so I wonder now what AmigaOS5 will be like..