MINIX operating system
发布时间:2011-12-20 09:22:41来源:红联作者:MXJ
MINIX system by Andrew S. Tanenbaum (AST) developed. AST is the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, mathematics and computer science systems work, is a Fellow of ACM and IEEE (the world's only few people are two of the senior members). A total of more than 100 published articles, five computer books. AST, although born in New York, USA, but the Dutch nationals (1914, his ancestors came to the United States). High school in New York on, MIT's University, University of California, Berkeley PhD study. Since reading postdoctoral reasons, he came home the Netherlands. Since then it has been from the home. Later in the Vrije University began teaching, Daiyanjiusheng the. Dutch capital Amsterdam is a perennial rainy city, and for AST, this is the best, however, because he can stay at home playing with his computer. MINIX is he prepared in 1987, mainly for students to learn the operating system works. To 91 years version is 1.5. There are currently two versions in use: 1.5 and 2.0, when the operating system used at the university is free, but other uses are not, of course, is currently free and can be downloaded from many FTP.