Up until Shuttleworth's comment I defended men's rights to freedom of speech. Beyond that I was barely interested in feminists topics. I worked in male dominated areas all my life and I guess I just accepted that's the way men are. They tell their dirty jokes, they hang their stupid posters, they flirt, and condescend a little.
I thought it was funny when my auto mechanics instructor answered me once that he'd "never had a pregnant mechanic before." I laughed at most of the blonde jokes because I did find them funny - despite being blonde. I didn't mind the flirting most of the time. Most men can be let down easy if you're careful. Usually bringing up their wives or girlfriends sent them on their way. I didn't even mind when customers wanted to come back to the shop to see the "girl mechanic" work on their car. I accepted that I worked in an unusual area for women and as such I had to accept the way men and the world in general would react. Truth is, I was treated equally on most levels. (I did have one shop that gave me the hardest heaviest work that came in until I proved myself - but that was fun to watch their faces.)
This attitude stayed with me throughout my life. So, when women were being insulted and treated like sex objects in FOSS, I accepted that's just the way men are. They've always been that way and they always would.
But when someone of such prominence insults the intelligence of women, I think things have gone too far. Sure, I don't like what he said, but I still defend his right to say it. But if he wants to act like a misogynist perhaps it's time to enact a action I've always wanted to do here at tuxmachines.
I've always wanted to ignore (boycott) ubuntu. Not in the same outspoken way Roy boycotts Novell, but in my own little "ain't gonna link to nothing Ubuntu" way.
As if I needed another reason to dislike Ubuntu. I never got it. I never understood all the hype. It's barely a mediocre distribution and more than that, it's ugly as all get out. But I continued to link to Ubuntu articles and howtos because so many of my visitors like them. How many visitors would I lose if I enacted a "no-ubuntu" policy? With work opportunities gone because of the economy, if it hadn't been for the advertising on this site this year, I'da gone hungry.
So, perhaps I should run a poll...
What do you think? Would you stop visiting tuxmachines if there was suddenly no more Ubuntu links?