Alexey Rusakov has announced the release of ALT Linux 4.1.0 "School Server" edition: "Armada group and ALT Linux company are happy to release School Server distribution, based on ALT Linux OfficeServer technological base and targeted at schools and other educational institutions. This release of School Server is an extended version of a server suite for educational institutions that was developed for the government contract in the end of 2008. School Server includes: Linux kernel 2.6.25, base system glibc 2.5.1; LAN services: DHCP server, DNS server BIND 9.3.5, proxy server Squid 2.6.STABLE18 (with statistics viewer), a firewall, network interfaces management console, time server OpenNTPd 3.9p1; file servers - Samba 3.0.30 and FTP server ProFTPd 1.3.0, repository mirrors setup service (using NFS), print server CUPS...." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download from here: school-4.1.0-server-i586-install-cd.iso (671MB, MD5).