英语单词 红联
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v.: 转移;转让;换乘;移交
n.: 转移;转让;调任;调离
网络: 转让的;转接;转移的


  • (使)转移,搬迁:

    to move from one place to another; to move sth/sb from one place to another

  • (使)调动;转职;转学;改变(环境):

    to move from one job, school, situation, etc. to another; to arrange for sb to move

  • 转移(感情);传染(疾病);让与,转让(权力等):

    if youtransfer a feeling, a disease, or power, etc., or if ittransfers from one person to another, the second person has it, often instead of the first

  • 转让;让与:

    to officially arrange for sth to belong to sb else or for sb else to control sth

  • 转会,使转会(尤指职业足球队):

    to move, or to move sb, to a different sports team, especially a professional football ( soccer ) team

  • (使在旅途中)转乘,换乘,倒车:

    to change to a different vehicle during a journey; to arrange for sb to change to a different vehicle during a journey

  • 转存,转录(资料、音乐等);改编:

    to copy information, music, an idea, etc. from one method of recording or presenting it to another; to be recorded or presented in a different way

  • 搬迁;转移;调动;变换:

    the act of moving sb/sth from one place, group or job to another; an occasion when this happens

  • (运动员)转会:

    the act of moving a sports player from one club or team to another

  • (旅途中的)中转,换乘,改变路线:

    an act of changing to a different place, vehicle or route when you are travelling

  • 转车票;换乘票:

    a ticket that allows a passenger to continue their journey on another bus or train

  • 转印图画,转印图案(利用挤压或加热,可从纸上转印到物体的表面):

    a picture or design that can be removed from a piece of paper and stuck onto a surface, for example by being pressed or heated

  • 迁移(将已习得的行为在新的情况下应用):

    the process of using behaviour which has already been learned in one situation in a new situation


  • (可转印的)设计,图案

  • 转让,移交(权利或财产等);转让文书

  • 换乘票

  • 【体】转会球员

  • 调任;调离

  • 转录

  • 转让;移交

  • 转接

  • 转移(感情等)

  • 转乘;换乘

  • 转账

  • 转移;移走

  • 转学

  • 调任;调走


  • 过去式:transferred

  • 现在分词:transferring

  • 第三人称单数:transfers


  • v.+n.:

    transfer money,transfer technology,transfer power,transfer capital,labour transfer




  • Sergi If they transferred some of the funds allocated for cancer research, they might be able to feed more people.


  • The question to what extent the results of experimental studies can be transferred to humans is always of particular interest.


  • Correspondents say legislators voted overwhelmingly to make sure detainees held at Guantanamo would not be transferred to the United States.


  • FA subsequently transferred at the scene saw the closed-circuit television video, the ultimate penalty to Chelsea mismanagement and a fine.


  • He was not startled by the nurses. He did not interfere when Mom was fed, nor when she was transferred from bed to commode and back.


  • This heat is transferred to a heat exchanger to heat water in a storage tank or to be stored for later use.


  • The transferred information is exclusively used for a closer malware analysis and for improving the rules set.


  • The doctor is said to have secretly transferred her to Wuhan No 161 Hospital, but it was too late to save her life.


  • In theory this limits risks because bill financing tends to be short-term and can be easily transferred to another bank.


  • It has also transferred loan portfolios to other parts of the bank in order to help shrink the balance sheet of its US consumer finance arm.


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