英语单词 红联
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n.: 顶;顶部;顶端;上面
v.: 胜过;超过(某一数量);居…之首;为…之冠
adj.: (位置、级别或程度)最高的;很好的;极棒的;顶呱呱的
网络: 上装;上衣类;台北海外和平服务团(Taipei Overseas Peace Service)


  • 顶;顶部;顶端:

    the highest part or point of sth

  • 表面;上面:

    the upper flat surface of sth

  • 最高的级别;最重要的职位:

    the highest or most important rank or position

  • 尽头;远端:

    the end of a street, table, etc. that is farthest away from you or from where you usually come to it

  • 帽;盖;塞:

    a thing that you put on the end of sth to close it

  • 上衣:

    a piece of clothing worn on the upper part of the body

  • (根菜作物的)茎叶:

    the leaves of a plant that is grown mainly for its root

  • (用于款额后)最高额:

    used after an amount of money to show that it is the highest possible

  • 最优秀的人;最好的东西;精华:

    a person or thing of the best quality

  • 陀螺:

    a child"s toy that spins on a point when it is turned round very quickly by hand or by a string

  • (在行业、事业中)高居首位,处于顶峰:

    in the highest position or rank in a profession or career

  • 高声地;放声地;扯着喉咙地:

    as loudly as possible

  • (在比赛或辩论中)名列前茅,先拔头筹:

    to win a contest or an argument

  • 从上到下;彻底地:

    going to every part of a place in a very thorough way

  • 从头到脚;浑身上下;全部:

    completely; all over

  • 使吃不消;使应接不暇:

    to be too much for sb to manage or deal with

  • 设法驾驭;处理:

    to manage to control or deal with sth

  • 单凭猜测(或记忆);信口地;不假思索地:

    just guessing or using your memory, without taking time to think carefully or check the facts

  • 在上面;在顶部:

    on the highest point or surface

  • 处于领先地位;控制局面:

    in a leading position or in control

  • 另外;加之:

    in addition

  • 在…上面;在…上方;覆盖着:

    on, over or covering sth/sb

  • 除…之外:

    in addition to sth

  • 紧挨着;与…紧靠着:

    very close to sth/sb

  • 控制着;掌握着:

    in control of a situation

  • 欢天喜地;心满意足;非常自豪:

    very happy or proud

  • 过分;过火;过头:

    done to an exaggerated degree and with too much effort

  • 从头再唱(或再奏等):

    to go back to the beginning of a song, piece of music, etc. and repeat it

  • (指人的智力)头脑,脑子:

    used to talk about a person"s intelligence

  • (位置、级别或程度)最高的:

    highest in position, rank or degree

  • 很好的;极棒的;顶呱呱的:

    very good

  • 高于,超过(某一数量):

    to be higher than a particular amount

  • 居…之首;为…之冠:

    to be in the highest position on a list because you are the most successful, important, etc.

  • 把(某物)放在…的上面:

    to put sth on the top of sth else

  • 胜过,优于,压倒(前人所做):

    to say or do sth that is better, funnier, more impressive, etc. than sth that sb else has said or done in the past

  • 自杀:

    to kill yourself deliberately

  • 到达山顶;达到顶端:

    to reach the highest point of a hill, etc.

  • 更有甚者;最糟糕的是:

    used to introduce the final piece of information that is worse than the other bad things that you have just mentioned

  • 去掉(水果、蔬菜)的两端;砍掉…的两头:

    to cut the top and bottom parts off fruit and vegetables to prepare them to be cooked or eaten


  • 轻馏分

  • 梢头木

  • 陀螺

  • 〔用作表语〕(能力、技巧、智力、品质等)极好,最好,首屈一指,无与伦比,呱呱叫;最高级的,第一流的,高档的


adv.at mostmaxat the most


  • I hear the big noise in the air. I looked up and saw the tops of the trees coming and going, "he said. " I did not know what it was.


  • He took the stage in a black sequined jacket, silver shirt, black fedora and black trousers that skimmed the tops of his white socks.


  • in accordance with his stockings, was as white as the tops of the waves that broke upon the neighbouring beach.


  • I"m certain that the expense of making such tops would be very low. As a doctor, I"d love to see done. And most parents would be grateful.


  • It has no patagium, but glides from the tree tops by flattening its body out to maximize surface area.


  • Tiny four-old-month Thumper had the tops of his ears hacked off in the cruel attack when yobs snatched him from his hutch.


  • These strips can run along the wall, or along the tops of desks, or sink into the surface of a conference table.


  • he cleaned the floors and the walls, he stood on chairs to wash the tops of cup boards, he got under the beds, he took up the carpets.


  • U. S. military spending tops $700 billion a year, and is by the far the largest discretionary portion of the federal budget.


  • He made chains like a necklace and put them on the tops of the pillars, and he made a hundred pomegranates and put them on the chains.


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