英语单词 红联
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n.: 尾;尾巴;尾部;燕尾服
v.: 跟踪;尾随;盯梢
adj.: 限定继承的
网络: 尾状物;彗尾;尾端


  • 尾;尾巴:

    the part that sticks out and can be moved at the back of the body of a bird, an animal or a fish

  • 有…尾巴的:

    having the type of tail mentioned

  • 尾部;后部:

    the back part of a plane, spacecraft , etc.

  • 尾状后部;尾状物:

    a part of sth that sticks out at the back like a tail

  • (离去事物的)末尾部分:

    the last part of sth that is moving away from you

  • 燕尾服;男式晚礼服:

    a long jacket divided at the back below the waist into two pieces that become narrower at the bottom, worn by men at very formal events

  • 硬币反面,硬币文面(没有头像的一面):

    the side of a coin that does not have a picture of the head of a person on it, used as one choice when a coin is tossed to decide sth

  • 盯梢人;暗探:

    a person who is sent to follow sb secretly and find out information about where that person goes, what they do, etc.

  • (尤指开车)盯梢,尾随:

    following behind sb very closely, especially in a car

  • (用以描述次要部分影响和支配主要部分)主次颠倒,喧宾夺主:

    used to describe a situation in which the most important aspect is being influenced and controlled by sb/sth that is not as important

  • (危急时刻)转身逃跑,逃逸,临阵脱逃:

    to run away from a fight or dangerous situation

  • 无地自容;垂头丧气;灰溜溜:

    feeling ashamed or unhappy because you have been defeated or punished

  • 跟踪;尾随;盯梢:

    to follow sb closely, especially in order to watch where they go and what they do


  • 限定继承的

  • 装上(风筝)尾巴;添上,接上,连结上跟踪,尾随;〔口语〕切去尾巴,切去末端;(狗等)拖着尾巴;【建筑】(把材料的一端)嵌入

  • 砌入

  • 钉梢

  • 跟随

  • 跟进

  • 落在后面

  • 跟踪某人,因为他有犯罪嫌疑:

  • 尾巴似地垂下,拖着尾巴;尾巴似的拖在后面;跟在后头,排成队;船尾搁浅(在暗礁上);(停泊时)把船尾掉向顺风[顺流]方面;(鱼)把尾巴露出水面

  • 【法律】限定继嗣;限定继承权;限嗣继承财产

  • 【印刷】(书籍页面的)地脚;底边空白

  • 随员,扈从;【军事】军属队伍;属员,跟在后面的人,晚辈;〔美俚〕尾随的侦探;(等候购物等)排成一行的人们,长蛇阵

  • 【建筑】(瓦、石板等露出的)下部;【音乐】符尾;【航空】尾翼;尾面;【天文学】彗星尾;【印刷】(书页的)地脚

  • 钱币的反面

  • 渣滓,(剩下的)尾脚

  • 尾状物,垂下物;(西服的)垂尾,燕尾;燕尾服

  • 末端;结尾,后部;〔俚语〕屁股

  • 辫子;风筝尾巴

  • 尾巴;屁股


  • 复数:tails

  • 过去分词:tailed

  • 现在分词:tailing


  • As you moved towards it, again it coiled, with its tail in the middle, ready to strike.


  • The Hubble image shows an intricate central region and a striking tail that extends diagonally towards the bottom-right of the image.


  • Less-anxious mice did not avoid handlers that restrained them by the scruff of the neck, whereas tail-snatched mice scurried away.


  • Are we witnessing the emergence of the Long Tail of politics over the course of this presidential election cycle in the United States?


  • Today the wind and rain drove fiercely against my apartment window. It was the tail end of a typhoon.


  • Maude bobbed her head wildly. Harold wagged his tail and batted his eyes into the face of each family member. At last someone noticed!


  • When finishing this catty level, do not be fooled by the cat"s tail that appears once you pick up the last treasure.


  • The sailor does not pray for a tail wind; he learns to sail against the wind.


  • As they drove up the steep hill, a noisy motorcycle tail-gated them, trying to pa even though the road was windy and narrow.


  • In a fat-tail world it is very hard to monitor how much risk you are taking on.


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