英语单词 红联
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n.: 传播;蔓延;扩展;散布
v.: 传播;扩散;展开;散布
adj.: 广大的;大幅的;(宝石)薄而无光泽的
网络: 价差;伸展;利差


  • 展开;打开:

    to open sth that has been folded so that it covers a larger area than before

  • 摊开;使散开:

    to arrange objects so that they cover a large area and can be seen easily

  • 张开;伸开:

    to move your arms, legs, fingers, etc. far apart from each other

  • 传播;散布;(使)流传:

    to affect or make sth affect, be known by, or used by more and more people

  • (使)蔓延,扩散,散开:

    to cover, or to make sth cover, a larger and larger area

  • 使分散;使分布:

    to cause sb/sth to be in a number of different places

  • 延伸;伸展;扩张:

    to cover a large area

  • 涂;敷:

    to put a layer of a substance onto the surface of sth; to be able to be put onto a surface

  • 分(若干次)进行;由(若干人)分摊:

    to separate sth into parts and divide them between different times or different people

  • 像野火般蔓延;迅速传开:

    to become known by more and more people very quickly

  • 考虑到多种可能;大面积地排查;撒开网(寻找):

    to consider a wide range of possibilities or cover a large area, especially to try to find sb/sth

  • 展翅高飞(更自信地尝试新事物):

    to become more independent and confident and try new activities, etc.

  • 散布消息:

    to tell people about sth

  • 样样都抓哪样都抓不好:

    to try to do so many different things at the same time that you do not do any of them well

  • 传播;散布;扩展;蔓延:

    an increase in the amount or number of sth that there is, or in the area that is affected by sth

  • 广泛;多样:

    a range or variety of people or things

  • 抹在面包上的东西:

    a soft food that you put on bread

  • 涉及区域;活动范围:

    the area that sth exists in or happens in

  • 宽度;面积;翼展:

    how wide sth is or the area that sth covers

  • (尤指横贯两版的)文章,广告:

    an article or advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, especially one that covers two opposite pages

  • 丰盛的餐食:

    a large meal, especially one that is prepared for a special occasion

  • 区域;一大片:

    an area of land or water

  • (两种价格或比率的)差额,差幅:

    the difference between two rates or prices


  • (宝石)薄而无光泽的

  • 分散;叉形的

  • 展开的

  • 扩大的,伸展的,广大的;大幅的

  • 详细记载,纪录

  • 敲平,铆(钉子等)

  • (花、叶等)开放

  • 把…分期,使延长;拖延(时间)

  • 撒,施,敷,涂,被覆;上胶

  • (墨水等)渗开,散开;展开

  • 伸开,伸长(手臂等),展开,张开(帆等),打开(地图等);铺开(毡子等),展宽,展延(金属等)

  • 伸开,伸长;扩大,扩张;(金属等)展延

  • 散布;流传,传播;普及

  • 传开,传播,蔓延开;拖延,继续

  • 【机械工程】轮距

  • 展性;【数学】展形

  • (报上占大量篇幅或整版的)文章[广告];连占两版的大幅插图

  • 〔口语〕(丰盛的)酒席,宴会

  • 〔美国〕桌布;床单

  • (一片)广阔的土地[水域];〔美国〕大牧场;范围

  • 〔美国〕涂味品〔涂面包的奶油、果酱等〕

  • 伸展,扩展;扩展度[幅度],(金属的)展宽,延伸;跨距

  • 扩散,扩张,展开;展度;(动植物的)分布

  • 传播,普及;蔓延,流行


  • 复数:spreads

  • 现在分词:spreading


  • v.+n.:

    news spread,spread word,disease spread,virus spread,spread risk

  • adv.+v.:

    quickly spread,widely spread,evenly spread,rapidly spread,thinly spread






  • of chickenpox at my son"s school which spread like wildfire until nearly half the children caught it.


  • I"m trying to brew the most gorgeous color all the time. I truly believe that it is about to penetrate outwards and spread around.


  • Presumably known since the Advent of animal husbandry, butter has long been used as a cooking fat and as a spread.


  • Virtual distribution is far cheaper, and marketing tends to be too, since games often spread "virally" among friends on social networks.


  • If such grassroots efforts do not spread and intensify, nation states may not be able to resolve the differences that exist between them.


  • Red Shirt leaders told reporters they were ready to negotiate if the army ends its efforts to forcibly curtail the spread of protests.


  • We sent her to the hospital, and the doctors diagnosed colon cancer; it had spread everywhere.


  • You are one of a kind; therefore, no one can really predict what heights you might soar, even you will not know until you spread your wings.


  • "Going forward" is so infectious that it has spread from inarticulate bankers and analysts to people who once had a fine way with words.


  • Almost immediately, the word began to spread that an alien craft crashed on the small Argentinean town.


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