英语单词 红联
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n.: 光;光线;光亮;浅色
v.: 照亮;点燃;点火;开始燃烧
adj.: 充满亮光的;明亮的;有自然光的;浅色的
adv.: 轻快地;轻装地
网络: 灯光;光源;灯具


  • 光;光线;光亮:

    the energy from the sun, a lamp, etc. that makes it possible to see things

  • (具有某种颜色和特性的)光:

    a particular type of light with its own colour and qualities

  • 发光体;光源;(尤指)电灯:

    a thing that produces light, especially an electric light

  • 火柴;打火机;点火器:

    a match or device with which you can light a cigarette

  • 眼神:

    an expression in sb"s eyes which shows what they are thinking or feeling

  • (图画中和暗色对比的)亮色,浅色:

    light colours in a picture, which contrast with darker ones

  • 窗;窗户;光线进口;采光孔:

    a window or an opening to allow light in

  • 根据自己设定的标准:

    according to the standards which sb sets for himself or herself

  • 很快入睡:

    to go to sleep very quickly

  • 挡住某人的光线:

    to be between sb and a source of light

  • 揭露;披露;暴露;揭发:

    to make new information known to people

  • 使(问题等)较容易理解:

    to make a problem, etc. easier to understand

  • 为人所知;变得众所周知;暴露:

    to become known to people

  • 从好(或坏、有利等)的角度:

    if you see sth or put sthin a good, bad, etc. light , it seems good, bad, etc.

  • 考虑到;鉴于:

    after considering sth

  • 稀里糊涂;没头脑;心不在焉:

    used to describe sb who is stupid, not thinking clearly or not paying attention

  • 快要熬出头了;曙光在即:

    something that shows you are nearly at the end of a long and difficult time or situation

  • 豁然开朗;恍然大悟:

    somebody suddenly understood or began to understand sth

  • 心爱的人;心肝宝贝:

    the person sb loves more than any other

  • 闯红灯:

    to fail to stop at a red traffic light

  • 终于领悟,最终明白,最后接受(尤指显而易见的事):

    to finally understand or accept sth, especially sth obvious

  • 开始信教;皈依宗教:

    to begin to believe in a religion

  • 开始存在;问世;开始为人所知:

    to begin to exist or to become publicly known about

  • 点燃;引火烧:

    to make sth start burning

  • 充满亮光的;明亮的;有自然光的:

    full of light; having the natural light of day

  • 浅色的;淡色的:

    pale in colour

  • 轻的;轻便的;不太重的:

    easy to lift or move; not weighing very much

  • (比平均或平常重量)轻的:

    of less than average or usual weight

  • (与重量单位连用)分量不足的:

    used with a unit of weight to say that sth weighs less than it should do

  • 轻柔的;柔和的;不太用力的:

    gentle or delicate; not using much force

  • 容易做的;轻松的;不使人疲劳的:

    easy to do; not making you tired

  • 少量的;程度低的:

    not great in amount, degree, etc.

  • 不严厉的;轻的:

    not severe

  • 娱乐性的;消遣性的;轻松的:

    entertaining rather than serious and not needing much mental effort

  • 不严肃的:

    not serious

  • 无忧无虑的;愉快的;快活的:

    free from worry; cheerful

  • 少量的:

    small in quantity

  • 不腻的;清淡的;易消化的:

    not containing much fat or not having a strong flavour and therefore easy for the stomach to digest

  • 含有许多空气的;松软的:

    containing a lot of air

  • 酒精含量低的;低度酒的:

    low in alcohol

  • 淡的:

    containing a lot of water

  • 睡得不沉的;易醒的:

    a person in alight sleep is easy to wake

  • 不足;缺乏:

    to not have enough of sth

  • 灵巧的处事能力:

    the ability to deal with sth in a delicate and relaxed way

  • 轻视;对…等闲视之:

    to treat sth as not being important and not serious

  • 轻而易举地做(某事):

    to do sth quickly and with little effort

  • 点燃;点火:

    to make sth start to burn

  • 开始燃烧;燃起来:

    to start to burn

  • 照亮;使明亮:

    to give light to sth or to a place

  • 用光指引:

    to guide sb with a light


  • 轻磅镀锡薄钢板


n.fairy lights


  • "Filming the scene on the E-3 was a little stressful with the lights, cameras and recording equipment, " he said.


  • Festive lights bring a bit of sparkle to a slum in an Indian city.


  • I knew something had been done with the lights on the tower due to this video, but I had no idea what.


  • Without all the money the State just might have to switch off the lights.


  • He lights up when the subject of the market is broached and launches into a discussion of his biggest investment positions.


  • he knew all the intellectual lights of petersburg gathered together here , and his eyes strayed about like a childs in a toy - shop.


  • The lawyer pulls the drapes, dims the lights and asks in a hushed voice, "How much do you want it to be? "


  • It had three large bright lights lighting up the sky underneath it.


  • Plate breaks should finish in a darkroom or yellow safety lights, do not use in fluorescent lights or breaks in the Sun.


  • With 14 goals in his first 20 appearances, he will at least hope to see his name up in lights this month.


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