英语单词 红联
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n.: 电梯;举;抬;提
v.: 举起;提高;解除;消散
网络: 升降机;升力;提升


  • (被)提起,举起,抬高,吊起:

    to raise sb/sth or be raised to a higher position or level

  • 移开;移动:

    to take hold of sb/sth and move them/it to a different position

  • 空运:

    to transport people or things by air

  • 解除,撤销,停止(限制):

    to remove or end restrictions

  • 高兴起来;使更愉快:

    to become or make sb more cheerful

  • 消散;消失:

    to rise and disappear

  • 偷盗;盗窃:

    to steal sth

  • 剽窃;盗用;抄袭:

    to use sb"s ideas or words without asking permission or without saying where they come from

  • 挖出,刨出,拔起(蔬菜或植物):

    to dig up vegetables or plants from the ground

  • 提高;增加;(使)增长:

    to make the amount or level of sth greater; to become greater in amount or level

  • 一点忙也不帮;油瓶倒了都不扶:

    to do nothing to help sb

  • 电梯;升降机:

    a machine that carries people or goods up and down to different levels in a building or a mine

  • 免费搭车;搭便车:

    a free ride in a car, etc. to a place you want to get to

  • 较好的心情;更大的信心:

    a feeling of being happier or more confident than before

  • 提;抬;举;上升;吊:

    a movement in which sth rises or is lifted up

  • (飞行时的)提升力,升力:

    the upward pressure of air on an aircraft when flying


  • (一次)举重量,起重量;【矿物】(一次)采掘量

  • 【机械工程】扬力,(水泵)扬程;【航空】升力,浮力

  • 鞋后跟皮的一层

  • 高昂的姿态

  • 情绪昂扬,精神振奋

  • (雾等的)消散

  • 土地的隆起,小丘

  • 起重机;千斤顶

  • 〔英国〕电梯;吊车;升降机

  • 举起;抬高;提升,搬起

  • 耸立

  • 偷窃;偷去;抄袭,剽窃

  • 使高尚;鼓舞

  • 运送,搬运;空运

  • (地面)隆起

  • 起出,拔起;掘出;拔营

  • 水涨船高,(船)乘浪升高

  • 被提高,升起

  • 举起,使升起,提起,抬起;提高;提升


  • 复数:lifts

  • 过去分词:lifted

  • 现在分词:lifting


  • v.+n.:

    lift finger,lift head,lift ban,lift embargo,lift lid

  • adv.+v.:

    carefully lift,gently lift


n.boostkickhighbuzzrevitalizationv.stealfilchhaul upelevaterevoke




  • If you feel woozy, you might consider bringing some candy with you to give you a little lift, or some water to drink.


  • At the moment when he had stooped to lift Gavroche, a bullet had grazed his head; he had not noticed it.


  • The gyroplane also is different from the airplane. It depends on the rotors to produce lift. It has no fixed wings, or has assistant wings.


  • Then try to lift me up, but no, I did not stand up on the straight Han Teng, he tried to carry me home.


  • If China is patient and just waits a few more months or a year, we will have done it to ourselves and they won"t have to lift a finger.


  • Please stay in touch and let me know how you are doing and if I can lift you up in prayer.


  • because the lift he took before was out of service, but he believe that he was going to find his own car sooner or later.


  • When using a "Y" cylinder, do not remove from its transportation skid. Never attempt to lift a cylinder by its cap.


  • It was at the exact moment he took a deep breath that he began to lift off the ground. He would begin soaring like an eagle.


  • Squeezing the ball, lift your knees off the floor as high as you can, keeping your legs as straight as possible.


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