英语单词 红联
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n.: 钩;挂钩;鱼钩;钓钩
v.: 挂住;箍住;钓(鱼);打曲线球
网络: 钩子;铁钩船长;吊钩


  • 钩;钓钩;挂钩;鱼钩:

    a curved piece of metal, plastic or wire for hanging things on, catching fish with, etc.

  • 钩拳:

    a short hard blow that is made with the elbow bent

  • 曲线球:

    a way of hitting the ball so that it curves sideways instead of going straight ahead

  • 吸引人的事物;诱饵:

    a thing that is used to make people interested in sth

  • 想方设法;不择手段:

    using any method you can, even a dishonest one

  • (使)摆脱困境,逃避惩罚:

    to free yourself or sb else from a difficult situation or a punishment

  • 完全地;毫无保留:


  • (为防止电话打进来而使听筒)不挂上:

    if you leave or take the telephoneoff the hook , you take the receiver(= the part that you pick up) off the place where it usually rests, so that nobody can call you

  • (使)钩住,挂住:

    to fasten or hang sth on sth else using a hook; to be fastened or hanging in this way

  • (尤指用腿、胳膊、手指等)钩住,箍住:

    to put sth, especially your leg, arm or finger, around sth else so that you can hold onto it or move it; to go around sth else in this way

  • 钓(鱼):

    to catch a fish with a hook

  • 打曲线球;踢弧线球:

    to hit or kick a ball so that it goes to one side instead of straight ahead


  • 【拳击】用肘弯侧击;【高尔夫球】使球向左弯

  • (牛)用角尖挑

  • 用角挑

  • 扣扣

  • 〔俚语〕偷,扒

  • 弯成钩形;钩住

  • 〔化〕钩链

  • 引(人)上钩,欺骗

  • 用钩挂用钓钩钓;用钩针织;钩住,钓着

  • 钓;搂;钩;挂在钩子上

  • 钩状物;河湾;钩状岬;【动、植】钩状器官;【音乐】钩符();【拳击】肘弯击,钩击;(高尔夫球中的)左曲球

  • 〔美俚〕手,手指

  • 〔美俚〕麻醉药〔尤指海洛因〕

  • 弯道

  • 困境

  • 圈套,陷阱

  • 〔体〕呈曲线飞行的球;钩手;〔电信〕变形线(扫描光栅失真)

  • 河弯钩形物

  • 钩;铁钩;吊钩;针钩;镰刀;〔俚语〕锚

  • 钩子;吊钩


  • 复数:hooks

  • 过去分词:hooked

  • 现在分词:hooking


  • adj.+n.:

    left hook

  • v.+n.:

    bait hook




  • I had thought she was giving a supervision, not a lecture, and letting her off the hook would have wasted even more of her time.


  • Imagine doing that with a wooden stick and a hook on the end of it, doing either of those.


  • A sudden noise makes Jane awake with a start to see a stranger pirate, Captain Hook, standing by her bed!


  • You can use this hook to determine whether to allow the system to call hook procedures associated with other types of hooks.


  • Another lawmaker, long one of his most bitter critics, later jokingly complimented his wife on her "very good left hook" .


  • The famous singer is going to give a concert next week and his fans are trying to get a ticket by hook or by crook.


  • Spanish Angler, Maria Cista, 56, was trying to free the hook from a fish"s mouth when the fish jumped out of her hand and into her mouth.


  • Travel, parties, entertainment and year end festivities will all come into play when trying to hook up with someone who can rock your world.


  • His first victim was a 12-year-old messenger who was hanged by his neck on a metal hook and raped before being put out of his misery.


  • It had a wire leader and a medium- sized hook and he baited it with one of the sardines.


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