英语单词 红联
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v.: 下降;跌倒;落下;跌落
n.: 落下;跌落;下落;掉落
adj.: 〈美〉秋天的;秋天成熟的;(衣服等)秋天用的
网络: 坠落;堕落;降落


  • 落下;下落;掉落;跌落:

    to drop down from a higher level to a lower level

  • 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌:

    to suddenly stop standing

  • 下垂;低垂:

    to hang down

  • 向下倾斜:

    to slope downwards

  • (数量)减少,下降;(强度)减小:

    to decrease in amount, number or strength

  • 被打败;沦陷;失守:

    to be defeated or captured

  • 阵亡;被击毙:

    to die in battle; to be shot

  • 进入(某状态);开始变成(某事物):

    to pass into a particular state; to begin to be sth

  • 突然来到;突然出现:

    to come quickly and suddenly

  • 发生:

    to happen or take place

  • (向某方向)移动;落(在某位置上):

    to move in a particular direction or come in a particular position

  • 属于(某类、群体、责任范围):

    to belong to a particular class, group or area of responsibility

  • 落下;下落;跌落;掉落:

    an act of falling

  • (雪、岩石等的)降落:

    an amount of snow, rocks, etc. that falls or has fallen

  • 下落;发生:

    the way in which sth falls or happens

  • 瀑布:

    a large amount of water falling down from a height

  • (大小)减小;(数量)减少;(比率、水平)降低:

    a decrease in size, number, rate or level

  • (政权的)垮台;(经济的)崩溃;(城市、国家的)沦陷,灭亡:

    a loss of political, economic, etc. power or success; the loss or defeat of a city, country, etc. in war

  • (威信的)骤降:

    a situation in which a person, an organization, etc. loses the respect of other people because they have done sth wrong

  • 人类堕落(指亚当和夏娃违背上帝意旨而被迫离开伊甸园):

    the occasion when Adam and Eve did not obey God and had to leave the Garden of Eden

  • 缓和某人的跌势;防止某人跌得很重:

    to stop sb from falling onto sth hard

  • 替…承担责任;成为…的替罪羊:

    to accept responsibility or punishment for sth that you did not do, or did not do alone


  • 洼进,凹陷;崩塌;垮台;陷落

  • 落下,堕落,下降

  • 炉渣破碎

  • 衰退的;变衰弱的

  • 沉陷

  • 〔美方〕(天气)像要下雨[下雪]似的

  • 跌倒

  • 退落

  • 沉降

  • 下落

  • 落下的;垂下的;跌落的

  • 降落的






  • Rich countries had become used to unlimited access to cheap raw materials: prices had been falling for a century or more.


  • Banking stocks have been falling heavily since the global financial turmoil began to unravel.


  • he made sure you were struck by lightning , or killed by a falling tree.


  • One of the catalysts for the upward trend in wages is demographic, with a falling number of young Chinese entering the labour market.


  • To pedestrians who noticed the falling of the next piece of a pipe in a couple of meters, had to pass it by, risking to be brought down.


  • A filly named Sugar was out for a ride with her owner when something spooked her, sending her falling into a canal.


  • One day, the friends fat; o ChengKuiAn dragon (diggs) please he traced a woman falling, the only clues only a burned away half of the photo.


  • "Falling back" takes the wind out of the customer"s sails and makes it possible for you to have a conversation in which each side is OK.


  • A falling star depicted a curve in the sky and disappeared, which seemed like the symbol of his life.


  • They did not expect to see snow falling right after enduring high temperatures.


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