英语单词 红联
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n.: 存款;押金;订金;订钱
v.: 存储;放置;放下;使沉积
网络: 定金;保证金;存放


  • 订金;订钱:

    a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment

  • 押金:

    a sum of money that is paid by sb when they rent sth and that is returned to them if they do not lose or damage the thing they are renting

  • 存款:

    a sum of money that is paid into a bank account

  • 竞选保证金(英国议员候选人预付,获得足够的票数则退还):

    (in the British political system) the amount of money that a candidate in an election to Parliament has to pay, and that is returned if he/she gets enough votes

  • (地下自然形成的)沉积物,沉积层:

    a layer of a substance that has formed naturally underground

  • (尤指河流、洪水、液体等的)沉积物,淤积物:

    a layer of a substance that has been left somewhere, especially by a river, flood, etc., or is found at the bottom of a liquid

  • 放下;放置:

    to put or lay sb/sth down in a particular place

  • 使沉积;使沉淀;使淤积:

    to leave a layer of sth on the surface of sth, especially gradually and over a period of time

  • 将(钱)存入银行;存储:

    to put money into a bank account

  • 付(订金);付(保证金);付(押金):

    to pay a sum of money as the first part of a larger payment; to pay a sum of money that you will get back if you return in good condition sth that you have rented

  • 寄放,寄存(贵重物品):

    to put sth valuable or important in a place where it will be safe


  • 淤积[沉积]物;【矿物】矿藏,矿床

  • 遗址

  • 渣,沉渣

  • 保证金,押金

  • 寄存,寄存品

  • 寄存处,仓库

  • 沉淀,沉积,淤积,积;沉积物,堆积物

  • 存款;定钱,押租

  • 储蓄,存款

  • 矿床,矿藏,资源

  • 安顿,安置

  • 放置,安置

  • 放,把…放下;落下

  • (把硬币)放入(自动售货机,公用电话机)

  • 付保证金

  • 使淤积,使沉淀

  • 淤积,沉淀;附着

  • 寄存,委托保管

  • 存贮;寄存


  • 过去分词:deposited

  • 现在分词:depositing

  • 第三人称单数:deposits


  • v.+n.:

    deposit money,pay deposit,make deposit,leave deposit,give deposit

  • adj.+n.:

    mineral deposit,refundable deposit


n.creditpaymentsecurityguaranteepledgev.pay input inputput downaccumulate




  • Once you finished doing your counts , don"t forget to put the money in the night deposit at the bank .


  • A bank has the right to pay itself back out of your next deposit for any fees or overdraft loans that you owe.


  • But there seems to me no reason why they should. The customer deposit base of a bank is far greater than the clearing balance.


  • Deposit interest rate"s enhancement means that the bank cost the rise, the rate on loan reduces means the bank income the reduction.


  • I can find the suitable apartment for you and I don"t need deposit. The apartment will be near to your university.


  • How much security deposit did you pay? And when is the rent due?


  • He made his deposit, he says, after inspecting the bunker"s hardened-steel doors, which are strong enough to repel a tank blast.


  • As is often the case in Africa, the customers enjoy the drink on the premises, the deposit on the bottles being too dear.


  • That deposit may be at any moMe. t withdrawn, and if I had employed it for another purpose, I should bring on Me. a disgraceful bankruptcy.


  • There was no agreement to euro-wide deposit insurance or to a common bank-resolution scheme.


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