Great Leap Forward
Great Leap Forward什么意思,Great Leap Forward翻译
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In his account the bank"s much-trumpeted "Comprehensive Development Framework" was a great leap forward in development thinking.
The brief account of the Great Leap Forward in On China concludes with the observation that more than 20m died as a result of famine.
From this perspective, the Great Leap Forward movement can be said to "catch up" thinking into practice is all about.
"The great leap forward here is that this is no longer a question of aid. It"s a question of development, " Gurria said.
We do not like the Wu-called "Great Leap Forward movement will catch up with the idea as the two issues have nothing to do, " as meaning.
Many Guizhou people lost family members in the man-made famine of China"s Great Leap Forward; they still bring it up in conversation.
Soon after he arrived, however, China was engulfed by political campaigns, like the Great Leap Forward, that required little research.
During the conference, Mao Zedong took personal responsibility for mistakes of the Great Leap Forward and tried to calm resentful cadres.
In all, the records I studied suggest that the Great Leap Forward was responsible for at least 45 million deaths.
Then, the United States was vastly increasing its productive capacity, as Mr. Field argued in his recent book, "A Great Leap Forward. "