Calgary, Alberta-based desktop virtualization vendor Userful announced what it claims is the world's...
The final release of VectorLinux 6.0 (code name 'Voyager') is now available. This release is a major...
distrowatch Alexey Rusakov has announced the release of ALT Linux 4.1.0 "School Server" edition: "A...
Some time ago ext4 was released and available for Linux kernel. ext4 provides some additional benefi...
Ever feel like you're Rodney Dangerfield? You live someplace and Linux shows you no respect, time-zo...
Swiftfox is an optimized build of Mozilla Firefox. Swiftfox has builds for both AMD and Intel proces...
CentOS Linux Install Core Development Tools Automake, Gcc (C/C++), Perl, Python & Debuggers by Vive...
Install Debian GNU/Linux under an existing Unix-like system VIA chroot and debootstrap I should sa...
Andrew Doran and Jared D. McNeill have announced in a mailing list post that they are starting a Net...
Air was the wallpaper we introduced in KDE 4.2, but that is just the beginning of something larger. ... A major complaint about Google's ...
Mark G. Sobell's freshly revised reference work on Ubuntu Linux may be the most impressive computer ...
distrowatch Clement Lefebvre has announced the release of Mint 6 "x86_64" edition, an Ubuntu-based ...
Linus Torvalds has rejected the argument that Linux developers should pool their resources behind a ...
posting a quick note about the problem that I had after upgrading from Hardy Heron to ubuntu 8.10 wi...
Amarok - in my opinion, this is the greatest music player and collection management for the Linux pl...
Many Linux newbies -- or wanna-be newbies -- get hung up over the choice of their initial distributi...
It looks like the education space could be the first, real place where Linux could grab beachhead in...
Fred Emmott has announced the release of Slamd64 Linux 12.2, an unofficial port of Slackware Linux t... Remember today's da...
The PDF Edition of Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference is available entirely free of charge. It is pra...
Klaus Knopper has released KNOPPIX6.0, a brand new version of the popular Debian-based live CD, now ... Analysis -- It's no secret that Linus Torvalds, ...
Red Hat, Inc. has announced the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.3, the latest update to... It's out there now, or at least in the process of mirroring out.... One of our competitors has a review of the Windows 7 beta which claims that desktop Linux...
There are only two days left until the third Alpha version of the upcoming Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jacka... KDE Community Improves Desktop with KDE 4.1.4 Coden...
Here is LWN's eleventh annual timeline of significant events in the Linux and free software world fo...
Last week, the Novell-sponsored OpenSUSE project achieved version 11.1 of its community-supported Li...
On January 27, a year after the release of the first KDE 4 version, KDE 4.2 "The Answer" will be rel...
T: It’s been a rather interesting year for Linux, with just enough ups and ...
Adam Williamson has announced the availability of the first alpha release of Mandriva Linux 2009.1, ...
The BBC has created a version of the iPlayer that works with both Mac and Linux computers. The two...
openSUSE 11.1, a community Linux distribution sponsored by Novell, has been released: "TheopenSUSE p...
Mandriva Flash is the brand new mobile 3D desktop that fits in your pocket. Flash was the first Linu...
jamie found this blog post up on the HeliOS Project, which brings Linux to school kids in Austin, TX...
Patrick Volkerding has announced the release of Slackware Linux 12.2: "Wellfolks, it's that time to ...
TO: Distribution naming sc...
Google Gadgets for Linux provides a platform for running desktop gadgets under Linux, catering to th...