
Fedora installed on MPlayer

发布时间:2008-07-09 00:07:11来源:红联作者:theset
It’s not easy to install MPlayer in Fedora if you’re totally new to Linux. But with this guideline, you’ll find it’s actually a piece of cake!

1. mkdir and cd /usr/local/lib/codecs/

2. download all-20071007.tar.bz2 at http://www4.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/

3. #bzip2 -d all-20071007.tar.bz2

4. #tar zxvf all-20071007.tar

5. download mplayer source code at http://www.mplayerhq.hu/

6. extract it and cd its root directory.

7. #./configure --enable-gui

8. #make

9. #make install

10. download skins at http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html

11. extract skins to /usr/local/share/mplayer/skins/default

12. add the following line to ~/.mplayer/config:


13. play videos using: /usr/local/bin/gmplayer

共有 1 条评论

  1. Gones 于 2008-07-10 12:16:50发表:

    When you do it,you'll find it not so easy.
    But mplayer is really good.