
Install eclipse on Linux

发布时间:2008-07-06 00:55:54来源:红联作者:mconela
1.you can download eclipse from the link: wtp-all-in-one-sdk-R-1.5.4-linux-gtk.tar.gz

2.unzip eclipse to the place at which you want install;

3.input "java -version" in console to check if your sdk's vision is 1.5.

If your sdk's vision is 1.5,you can start your eclipse now.

If it is below 1.5 you need install new sdk from the link: java2-i386-sdk-5.0-4.0.i386.rpm and do the following steps to install new sdk:

1.download sdk and install it as default.

2.input "which java" in console to find your old version sdk and you may find "usr/bin/java";

3.input "cd /usr/bin" in console;

4.input "mv java java.bak" in console;

5.input "ln -s /opt/ibm/java2-i386-50/bin/java java" in console;(When I installing eclipse on REDHAT

6.get into your eclipse's root path and input "chmod +x eclipse" in console

7 input "./eclipse" in console to start your eclipse.

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