This is a tutorial on how to get VirtualBox up and running on Fedora 8. If you havn’t yet, add yourself as a “sudoer” by visiting the tutorial this page. Also, this tutorial is for the 32-Bit version of VirtualBox, so you’ll have to customize a little more to get the 64-bit version running (as pointed out in the comments). Everything in the “code” sections should be copy/pasted/typed into the terminal. Right, let’s get to it:
1.) Get the VirtualBox 1.5.4 package from the VirtualBox website for Fedora 8 and install it.
wget && sudo rpm -ivh VirtualBox-1.5.4_27034_fedora8-1.i586.rpm
2.) Get the kernel-devel package:
sudo yum install make automake autoconf gcc kernel-devel
3.) Run the setup file for VirtualBox:
sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
4.) Add yourself to the “vboxusers” group (don’t forget the “-” dash!):
su -
usermod -G vboxusers -a username
5.) Run, and enjoy!
I would recommend disabling compiz if you have it running for VirtualBox. I’ve noticed that it really slows things down (especially in fullscreen mode).
6.) To Get USB Support:
7.) To Properly Backup the VirtualBox Machine (.vdi):
Please refer to my other page here:
How To: Properly Backup a VirtualBox Machine (.VDI)
8.) To Get Sound Working:
Highlight your virtual machine and click on the “Settings” button. Click on the “Sound” category, and then check the “Enable Sound” option. In the drop-down box, select “PulseAudio”. You should now have sound.
9.) To enlarge an already created VDI or Disk Image:
I plan on making this a little neater, but for right now, I wanted to share the information that I found via the virtualbox forums. A gentleman by the nickname of “gushy” posted these instructions:
Create a new disk using Virtual Disk Manager (in VirtualBox goto File -> Virtual Disk Manager)
download System Rescue CD
set your current VM to have the new disk image as it’s second hard disk and the System Rescue CD iso file as it’s CD
boot the vm from the CD
at the command prompt type startx
when X Windows starts, type gparted in the terminal that is open on screen
in gparted select the windows partition and choose copy
select the second hard disk
right click on the representation of the disk and click paste
gparted will prompt you for the size of the disk, drag the slider to the max size
click apply
wait …….
when it’s done right click on the disk and choose Manage Flags, and select Boot
exit gparted and power off the VM
change the VM settings to only have one disk (the new bigger disk) and deselect the iso as the CD.
boot the VM into your windows install on it’s new bigger disk!
Original post is located in this thread. And, if your experience was anything like mine, your windows virtual machine will perform a disk check when rebooting for the first time on the larger disk.