I don't know what would happen if I install 8.04 instead of upgrade from 7.10, but now I can't use my input method.
Some day in last week, my laptop tm292 read hard disk madly, and the system monitor showed process scim-launcher eat memory on and on. I killed it, if i didn't want to use scim, it worked well. But I can't solve this problem, whatever I did. Uninstall/re-install didn't work.
So i installed the fcitx, it's ugly, but I don't want to re-install, that's troublesome. But this morning, the fcitx is also down...
This thing teach me a lesson: if you want to use an os for very long time without re-install, you'd better endure the lure of upgrade. SCIM works well before I upgrade 3~4 times a week.The OLD is stable.
sevk 于 2008-06-05 13:25:50发表:
[ 本帖最后由 sevk 于 2008-6-5 13:34 编辑 ]