If possible, use our . In the event that page doesn't provide what you need, here you will find a complete list of download options.
Full Download Mirror List
Choose a location near you to see a full list of download options, including download links for all supported cd images. Once you choose a location you'll be able to choose which version of Ubuntu you'd like to download and the correct CD for your platform.
EuropeOther OptionsWubi, the Ubuntu installer for Windows
Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you to the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other Windows application, in a simple and safe way. Are you curious about Linux and Ubuntu? Trying them out has never been easier!
Try Wubi Now
You can obtain torrent files for each type of Ubuntu installation from the list at the bottom of the 8.04 release page.