
Fedora 9 Preview

发布时间:2008-04-23 20:54:22来源:红联作者:Dream
This article is written on my new platform:Fedora 9 Preview,which is not a final release,but a edition for people who interested in Linux to test it.

Because the shortage of input method,I'm not able to use Chinese at present,everything related to inputting is completed in English,not that convenient,but another patten of joy!

Just now,I used the function yum to update my system to made it newest,and installed Eclipse,Gcc,PdfEdit,Audacious and many other software on it,the number of BUGs appeared is not that much,which made me glad.

The speed surfing the Internet is much faster than it On Fedora 8,the time took to download something,turn on and shut down my computer becomes less.In a word,new system is more powerful,stable,comfortable!

The final edition of this system will be released in 3 weeks,it became stronger and stronger to experience its new features that I abandoned my original idea : waiting for the final release.Fortunately,it doesn't let my down.

Switch :

This afternoon,we had a debating,which is fierce and exacting,I didn't join them,because my turn is last week and next week.The last debating topic is which do you think is more important of practical ability and interpersonal relationships in one's career.I just used one and a half hours to prepare it and made a big success,the teacher and all other classmates thought that our group gave the best performance. Maybe I have a genius on it.

We gonna have a sports course tomorrow afternoon,and it is about Ping-Pong,which is my favorite sport.I had 3 matches last week,one of them I lost,and there is also 3 matches waiting for me.We have to work hard to win,after all,there is always a loser under competition state.

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