
Mandriva Linux - Linux distribution by Mandriva

发布时间:2008-04-05 00:40:37来源:红联作者:Powercut
Mandriva Linux is well adapted to a wide array of personal computing requirements, from office to multimedia to development. Mandriva Linux 2007 is the best Mandriva Linux distribution ever. It is more easy-to-use, more user-friendly and more powerful. Mandriva Linux 2007 includes InterVideo LinDVD, allowing you to play your DVD movies legally right out of the box.

Almost all games are made for proprietary platforms like Windows® but with Mandriva Linux 2007 and TransGaming's Cedega compatibility software you can play World of Warcraft, Battlefield 2, Civilization IV, Counter-Strike and more...

Mandriva worked on a better tool to install, uninstall and update software. The new RPMDrake gives you a quick view of what you have, what you can install, what Mandriva recommends, which updates are available and much more.

Linux software: http://www.icewalkers.com/Linux/Software/

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