
Debian installer main menu

发布时间:2008-03-31 00:01:00来源:红联作者:tsaqhlg
This is the main menu for the Debian installer :

1. Choose language

1). Choose a language:English -English

2). Choose a country,territoty or area:United States

3). Choose a locale:en_US.UTF-8

4). Choose othe locales to be supported:zh_CN.UTF-8

2. Select a keyboard layout

3. Detect and mount CD-ROM

4. Load installer components from CD

5. Detect network hardware

6. Configure the network

1). Network autoconfiguration

2). Network autoconfiguration with a DHCP hostname

3). Configure network manually 不选择此项

a) enter the hostname:www

b) enter the domain name:chenjinghua.com

7. Detect disks

8. Partition disks

1). Partitioning method:Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM

2). Select disk to partition:SCSI1(0,0,0) (sda) - 8.6GB Vmware,Vmware Virtual S

3). Partitioning scheme:Separate /home,/usr,/var,and /tmp partitions

4). Write the changes to disks and configure LVM? :Yes

5). Encryption passphrase: ***

6). Re-enter passphrase to verify:***

7). Use weak passphrase: Yes

8). Finish partitioning and write changes to disk : 回车确定

9). Write the changes to disks: Yes

9. Configure time zone

Select your time zone: Eastern 选择安装英文版本的,因而无中国城市可选,安装完成后运行tzconfig更改设置。

Configure the clock

10. Set up users and passwords

1). Root password: ***

2). Re-enter password to verify: ***

3). Full name for the new user: ***

4). Username for your account: ***

5). Choose a password for the new user: ***

6). Re-enter password to verify: ***

Install the base system

11. Configure the package manager

1). Use a network mirror? : Yes

2). Debian archive mirror country: China 根据实际情况选择

3). Debian archive mirror: debian.cn99.com 可以修改/etc/apt/sources.list

4). HTTP proxy information (blank for none) : 不填 根据实际情况选择代理上网

12. Select and install software

1). Choose software to install: Standard system

13. Install the GRUB boot loader on a hard disk

1). Install the GRUD boot loader to the master boot record? : Yes

Install the LILO boot loade on a hard disk

Continue without boot loader

14. Finish the installation

Change debconf priority

Check the CD-ROM(s) integrity

Save debug logs

Execute a shell

Abort the installation

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