1. To get the usual tar package :
tar cvf file.tar file/;
2. To get the tar.gz package:
tar zcvf file.tar.gz file/ ;
tar cvf file.tar file/;
gzip file.tar ;
(will generate file.tar.gz automatically)
3. To extract a tar package:
tar xvf file.tar
4. To extract a tar.gz package:
tar xzvf file.tar.gz ;
gunzip -d file.tar.gz;
tar xvf file.tar;
5. Use "-C" to extract a package to certain place:
gunzip -dc packet-2008_Mar25_20-00-00.tar.gz | tar -C / -xvf - cvs/cdcds
This is will extract the "cvs/cdcds" contained in the "packet-2008_Mar25_20-00-00.tar.gz" to the path "/".
6.How to list the before or after contents of the matching message when using "grep" ?
grep -A10 "strict" ; // List 10 lines after the matching line!
grep -B10 "strict"; //List 10 lines before the matching line!