1 eject :open the cdrom
2 cat : -e add $ to the end of each line
-n number each line
-T display the character jump as ^I
-b number the lines which unempty
3 sort:
4 tar :
tar -cf archive.tar foo far tar foo and far into archive.tar
tar -tvf archive.tar list all the files in archive.tar
tar -xf archive.tar extract all files in archive.tar
5 du :
du direction -h display the memory which has been ocpied
6 uname -a display all the system infomations
7 groupadd groupname add group groupname
groupdel groupname del group groupname
8 useradd username add user username
userdel username del user username
9 top : display all the process in the system
10 df -h -T -a display all the disk divisions
11 cal month year display date
12 mount -v supply more information about mount
- r mount the dev as read-only
-w mount the dev as writeable
-t vfat only mount filesystems such as vfat(fat32 in windows)
-o loop mount iso files
13 kill stop process
used with ps instruction which display all the processes running current
14 file direction filename
verfy and display infomaton of the file we are to check
15 find search some file
16 cat display the comment of the file
17 rpm -i meaning install
-v will display detail information
-h #display processing
-e uninstall the rpm package or erase the package
-q check the package
-U update
-a display all the packages have been installed
-p package check the software package ‘package’
-Va check all the packages have been installed
-Vp direction filename.rpm check the installation
-ql check the install location