1. HD size 200g
2. 3g RAM
3. RedHat 4.0 U4 (download from
4. Oracle Database10g10202(download from
5. EnterpriseOne 8.12 for Linux86 (download from
6.EnterpriseOne Tools Release 8.96
(download from
--- install steps
1. install RedHat 4.0 U4
1.1 swap size must be 3.9G
1.2 config sysctl.conf (reset kernel):
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.msgmax = 65535
kernel.msgmnb = 65535
kernel.msgmni = 1024
kernel.sem = 1024 32000 100 486 --must
fs.file-max = 206173
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144
2. install OracleDB10g10202
2.1. install oracleDB10g10201
---> Create database JDE
2.2 install patch10g10202
--> shutdown instance JDE
--> lsnrctl stop JDE
--> shutdown JDE
--> reboot Linux
--> after install patch successfully,
-- startup upgrade
-- @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql
-- shutdown abort
-- startup
2.3 chmod -R 775 $ORACLE_HOME -- must be,if not step ,the porttest is unsuccessfully
3. install EnterPriseOne 8.12
3.1. DV812,PS812 must be installed.
PD812,PR812 is option -- suggest to install
3.2 the ORACLE DB must start
4. install EnterPriseOne Tools Release
--cd /jdedwards/e812
--mv system systembak
--FTP system.Z to any directory by BIN
--chmod 777 system.Z
--zcat system.Z | (cd /jdedwards/e812;tar xvf -)
--chmod 555 system/lib/* system/libv32/*
5. configration E1 from Deployement server
5.1. installation custom planner. (JDE/JDE/JDEPLAN/*ALL)
5.2. installation Workbench (attented mode)
5.3. Data config install
5.4. Create a system user JDE,user=JDE(JDE/JDE/DEP812/*ALL)
5.5. update JDE.INI (refer to install user guide)
5.6. porttest JDE JDE DV812
--- if unsuccessfully ,please refer to PORTTEST CheckList