
Setup USB GPRS Modem on Fedora 4

发布时间:2008-01-26 00:42:16来源:红联作者:Dopsdck
How to setup GPRS Modem with USB connection on Fedora 4?

This is another question to be answered before I can setup and test Kannel.

The GPRS Modem we use is called 天诚航宇GSM(GPRS)无线上网Modem. You never heard about it? Neither did i

But does not matter, we just know that it is a GPRS modem connected to PC via USB cable, that is enough. And the most important, it use PL2303, a chip to convert USB and Serial. That means I do not need install any driver before calling or sending out SMS. Since the driver is already awailable in Fedora 4.

1) Put SIM card into GPRS Modem
2) Plug GPRS Modem into Fedora 4 box
3) "ls /dev", found that /dev/ttyUSB0 is already exist. That means Fedora recognized this Modem
4) Type "minicom /dev/ttyUSB0", to start minicom, a window based terminal for Unix.
5) Type Ctrl-A Z to pop up help screen
6) Type O to enter configuration screen
7) Move cursor to "Serial port setup",
8) Change "Serial device" to "/dev/ttyUSB8"
9) Change "Bps/Par/Bits" to 115200 8N1, which means 115200 bps, 8 Data bits, Parity None, Stop bits 1
10) Leave "Hardware Flow Control" as "yes"
11) Exit configuration screen
12) Select "Save setup as _dev_ttyUSB0"
13) Exit minicom
14) Type "minicom /dev/ttyUSB0"
15) Type "AT", modem response "OK"
16) Type "AT+CGMI", modem response "WAVECOM MODEM"
17) Type and response
OK .........the target phone ringing
OK .........the target phone stop ringing

Great! The GPRS Modem setup finished!

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