
/usr/lib/libexpat.so: could not read symbols: File in wrong format

发布时间:2007-12-25 00:27:43来源:红联作者:Version
Meet an error "/usr/lib/libexpat.so: could not read symbols: File in wrong format" when I try to configure apache 2.0.61 in fedora 6 64bit

Platform: fedora 6 64bit
Apache: 2.0.61

After run configure,
then run make
got an error "/usr/lib/libexpat.so: could not read symbols: File in wrong format"
Why this error occurs:

The patch updates apu-conf.m4 to build an updated configure that knows what to do with a 64 bit directive.


1. Delete file 'srclib/apr-util/configure' under 'httpd-2.0.61'

2. Delete 'configure' file under 'httpd-2.0.61'

3. rebuild the configure scripts, run


4. You now have a 64 bit enabled apr-util. To take advantage of it, you need to add this line to the root configure options:


for example: run

[root@fc6x64v2 packages]# ./configure --enable-lib64 -libdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-ssl --with-ssl=/usr/local/ssl --enable-module=so --prefix=/usr/local/apache2061


make install

Then everything will OK.

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