
An Alternative Solution to FinePrint on Linux

发布时间:2007-12-22 01:14:57来源:红联作者:anopup
On a Windows OS, it is convenient to merge many printing jobs into one by FinePrint.
On a Unix/Linux OS, it may take a few steps to achieve the goal.

Print each printing job as a PostScript file, say, 01.ps, 02.ps, and 03.ps.

Merge them into one PostScript file 99.ps with the following command
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pswrite -sOutputFile=099.ps 01.ps 02.ps 03.ps

Print 99.ps

Related Programs:

psmerge - Another PostScript merging tool which is used for VERY specific case
psbook - Rearrange pages in PostScript files into signatures

psselect - Select pages from a PostScript file

pstops - Shuffle pages in a PostScript file

psnup - Multiple pages per sheet

psresize - Rescale and centre the pages of a PostScript file

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