
Ubuntu Performance Guides

发布时间:2007-12-17 10:31:33来源:红联作者:spworks
I recently did a switch of Windows to Ubuntu and then upgraded to Fiesty Fawn (7.04) earlier this week. I must say, Ubuntu rocks but has it’s drawbacks. I hate to give Windows any credit when it comes to better performance, but unfortunately out of the box, a Windows XP system for example does perform faster than a default install of Ubuntu. That does not mean Ubuntu cannot be tweaked to boost performance to surpass Windows.

We’ve compiled a list of resources that can be used to improve performance on your Ubuntu operating system.

Hacking Ubuntu to Improve Performance - This article includes various hacks to boost Ubuntu’s performance, such as viewing running processes, identifying resources, finding process startups, tuning kernel parameters, and speeding up boot time.
Ultimate Ubuntu performance tweaking guide - Detailed step by step instructions on what to do in order to improve performance on your system.
Improve Ubuntu Performance - This is an index of threads posted on ubuntuforums.org on how to get the best performance out of your Ubuntu machine.
Optimizing Desktop Performance - Skip to the section titled Ubuntu Services for Performance Tuning to find some performance tips. Excellent article series covering performance techniques on major flavors of Linux.
Feisty performance - Fly like a butterfly - A collection of settings used to tune the speed and performance of Kubuntu/Ubuntu Feisty.
Only Ubuntu Linux - Performance tip for Ubuntu Edgy and Feisty users by simply editing your /etc/hosts file.
Desktop performance tweaks - Here are a couple of performance tweaks that are nice for desktops/laptops. These tweaks are relatively easy to perform and reasonable safe. Everything you do is on your own risk.
Improve Performance in Ubuntu Edgy - Tricks and hacks on how to improve the overall performance of your system.
Ubuntu: 32-bit v. 64-bit Performance - Not specific to system tweaking but a nice article comparing performance on a 32-bit vs. a 64-bit server.
Best Ubuntu Guide Ever - This guide has everything you need.
Tweak ubuntu for speed - These tweaks will make your system faster and more responsive without a doubt. Read on to perform the tweaks and enjoy your faster system.
Ubuntu Customization Guide - About customization, we’re gonna make Ubuntu look and feel the way you want.
Local DNS Cache for Faster Browsing - Nice article explaining how to use DNS caching to speed up internet browsing on your Ubuntu install.
Super Fast Internet for Ubuntu - Basically you disable ipV6 which apparently conflicts with ipV4. Good post.
Ubuntu/Linux Roundup - Good collection of links/articles for Ubuntu users.
Ten tips for new Ubuntu users - Here’s a list of tips that might save you some time while you’re getting used to Ubuntu.
10 most popular Ubuntu sites on the net - You should definitely visit these top 10 sites which have a wealth of information on using and troubleshooting in Ubuntu.

If you’d like to contribute to this list, please add in comment field. Thanks!

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