After updating several packages this morning, the booting process of my Fedora 8 always hangs just after the udev successes. In normal boot-up, it should display start-up messages of daemons within a GUI window; but now there is only a mouse cursor in the center of screen, and the system hangs and I can only reboot my laptop by a hard shutdown.
After an afternoon of try-and-error, I find a solution to this problem.
First, boot-up into command-line mode (run level 3):
In the GRUB menu, select the kernel you want to boot with
Press 'e' to enter edit mode
Select the kernel line and press 'e' to edit it
Append ' 3' and press Enter to go back to previous menu
Press 'b' to continue the booting process
Second, edit the boot-up script:
Open the file /etc/rc.sysinit with your favorite text editor
Search for the lines containing "( . /etc/sysconfig/i18n 2>/dev/null ; /usr/bin/rhgb )". About lines 353 and 742.
Comment them and add "LC_MESSAGES= /usr/bin/rhgb" below each occurrence of them.
Third, reboot and welcome the GUI back
The "LC_MESSAGES= /usr/bin/rhgb" line runs the graphical booting process without the environment variable LANG been set, so the "Show Detail..." label may not be translated to your language, but the other programs work fine and are translated correctly.