
The Comparison Between Linux and Windows

发布时间:2007-12-02 10:39:06来源:红联作者:Codefnas
  Recently, I have studied the Linux operating system due to the need for scientific research. Now I will do a comparison between it and the common Windows operating system.

  First, as the most important feature of Linux, it is open and free. If you use this operating system, you need not pay for them at all. But for Windows operating system, you have to pay a lot since it is commercial software. For example, the prices of Windows 98, 2000, 2003 and vista are $59, $159, $299, and $399, respectively. Therefore, it is a vivid trope i.e. Linux like communism and Windows like capitalism.

  The second feature of Linux is that it is multi-user and multi-tasking. The multi-user system is that the different users can simultaneously work by internet and don’t interfere with each other. The multi-tasking is that the computer can simultaneously carry on a great of procedures. However, although it may also permitted to set up many users in Windows operating system, there is only one user working in a given period of time, in essence, Windows is still the single-user operating system. Furthermore, windows can also perform many tasks simultaneously, but they may interfere with each other.

  Last, security is still important feature of Linux. Linux takes a number of security measures including read-write warranty, which can ensure that the computer doesn’t been controlled by all kinds of viruses and Trojan programs. But for Windows operating system, it is still inevitable that the document is stolen and the system is paralyzed even if you install all kinds of patches and antivirus software.

  Of course, Linux has also some obvious shortcomings. One of which is that anyone can modify this operating system according to its own preference due to its openness. It is the following results that Linux has too many versions. The current versions of Linux have more than three hundreds, such as Red Hat Linux, SuSE Linux, Redflag Linux and Turbo Linux. Moreover, the different versions aren’t fully compatible with each other. In addition, it isn’t such convenient as Windows for the support of common hardware and software, and it also easily makes the beginners puzzle due to too many operating orders.

  In general, Linux is mainly used in the fields of scientific research and military due to its powerful computing capability and reliable security, and Windows is mainly used in the common office systems since it is convenient and simple.

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