
eee pc makes a great little dev machine

发布时间:2007-11-30 01:08:01来源:红联作者:Fedoraai
I got an eee pc a week ago. Lovely little thing which is really quite amazing for the price (about £200).

It runs a Linux distro' with an application launcher as the interface. This can all be changed and it is easy enough to change the OS to Windows XP, or better still Ubuntu 7.10. There are lots of HowTos here.

I've decided to keep mine how it is with the added edition of Ruby. The tiny machine is ideal to use on the train, in conjunction with a USB key to move the rb files and TiddlyWiki.

I was so impressed with this sub-notebook, I have also got one for a relative who has not used a PC in years. Within 30 minutes, after a brief introduction, they were away, and happily using it for web browsing. Fantastic!

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