The Linux Foundation today announced the R Consortium, a new organization will strengthen both the technical and user communities as a Collaborative Project hosted at Linux Foundation. The R Consortium works with and provides support to the R Foundation and other organizations developing, maintaining and distributing R software and provides a unifying framework for the R user community. Founding companies and organizations of the R Consortium include The R Foundation, Microsoft and RStudio, Google, HP, and others. Back in April, Microsoft acquired Revolution Analytics, a leading commercial provider of software and services for R.
The R language is used by statisticians, analysts and data scientists to unlock value from data. It is a free and open source programming language for statistical computing and provides an interactive environment for data analysis, modeling and visualization. The R Consortium will complement the work of the R Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Austria that maintains the language. The R Consortium will focus on user outreach and other projects designed to assist the R user and developer communities.
“The R Consortium will support the R community by helping companies that rely on R -- and their data scientists and developers -- to work together to answer some of today’s most complex technology and research questions, we’re excited to galvanize this initiative as a founding member” said David Smith, R Community Lead, Microsoft.