1) 查看开放端口
Linux: netstat -atn
Solaris: netstat -P tcp -f inet -an
2) 安装软件包
Linux: rpm -ivh stardict.rpm
Solaris: pkgadd -d `pwd` SUNWstardict
3) 卸载软件包
Linux: rpm -e stardict
Solaris: pkgrm SUNWstardict
4) 查看安装包的所有安装文件
Linux: rpm -ql stardict
Solaris: pkgchk -l SUNWstardict | grep Pathname
# pkgchk -lp /usr/share/stardict/sounds/menushow.wav
Pathname: /usr/share/stardict/sounds/menushow.wav
Type: regular file
Expected mode: 0644
Expected owner: root
Expected group: bin
Expected file size (bytes): 6250
Expected sum(1) of contents: 60494
Expected last modification: Jul 18 11:26:00 2006
Referenced by the following packages:
Current status: installed