
Install Puppy Linux in Windows

发布时间:2012-10-18 13:13:46来源:红联作者:irongeek
Install Puppy Linux in Windows
Use EXE installer to install Puppy Linux in Windows PC. This involves downloading an exe installer and then clicking on it (the usual way of installing programs in Windows). Find the version you like through the links below:

EXE downloads at Mediafire - see the author's discussion (note that Lucid Puppy is version 528, Slacko is version 533, and PAE is for high-memory machines);
EXE downloads at Shinobar's mirror - see the author's discussion.
The installer will add (1) Linux to your Windows boot dialogue and (2) Grub menu for choosing how to use Puppy Linux. Also, two directories will be added to your hard drive: a "boot" directory containing the boot scripts, plus a "puppy" folder containing the Puppy Linux files.

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