Linux offers a rich platform for anyone with an artistic inclination. With low cost hardware, quality open source software, and an ounce of talent, artists can produce professional-looking computer graphics.
There is a relatively small range of open source software that offers the ability of rendering images with Linux. Rendering is the process of taking a 3D model and displaying it as a two-dimensional image. Unfortunately, some of the applications have not seen any development in recent years, abandoned by their developers with no one coming forward to step into their shoes. Nevertheless, there are still some high quality, open source Linux modelers which are worth investigating.
This article identifies 6 modelers that stand out from the others. They offer a wide range of modeling tools, mesh editing, group editing, Boolean modeling operations, isosurface modeling, and much more. The software featured here are all versatile and powerful tools for artists.
Now, let's explore the 6 modelers at hand. For each title we have compiled its own portal page, a full description with an in-depth analysis of its features, a screenshot of the software in action, together with links to relevant resources and reviews.
Blender Very fast and versatile 3D modeler/renderer
Wings 3D Advanced subdivision modeler that is both powerful and easy to use
K-3D 3D modeling and animation system
Art of Illusion 3D-modeler, renderer and raytracer
Misfit Model 3D OpenGL based 3D model editor
gSculpt 3D modeling application based on Cybersculpt
wdup7176 于 2012-09-20 22:22:55发表: