At the Go/No-Go meeting it was decided to slip the Beta by an additional week[1]. Minutes follow below.
Though the QA team was able to get through all validation testing, it was found that preupgrade was not functioning at an acceptable level, thus becoming an additional blocker which prevents us from shipping RC3, and necessitating the creation of an RC4.
As a result, ALL MAJOR MILESTONES, and their dependent tasks, will be pushed out by one week. Beta will now be looking at an expected release of 2012-04-17, and F17 GA is now scheduled for 2012-05-22. This is the second one-week slip of beta.
Adjustments to the full F17 schedule have been completed and now reflect the above Beta and GA dates, and high-level milestones have been updated as well on the Schedule wiki page[3].
We will be meeting again next Wednesday for another Go/No-Go meeting (2012-04-11.) All hail our QA pals and the anacondanistas for their dedication (and many, many others as well).
[1] Minutes: