
Redhet set the environment variable PATH method

发布时间:2011-12-19 13:33:55来源:红联作者:39HUANGYAYAN
Some of command path is not in the PATH environment variable, you can use the echo $ PATH command to query that, add the path to the PATH environment variable as follows:
(Such as adding / sbin to the PATH environment variable)

(1) If you want to start the process in this temporary add, modify, invalid, then on the next boot, you can:
Enter export PATH = $ PATH: / sbin

(2) If the only permanently added to the current user, then:
In ~ /. Bash_profile in a similar way near the end of the line PATH = $ PATH: $ HOME / bin, add: / sbin, it becomes PATH = $ PATH: $ HOME / bin: / sbin
Modify and maintain a complete file later, run source ~ /. Bash_profile command to make the modifications to take effect immediately

(3) If all the users to the system are permanently added, then:
In the / etc / profile file to add at the end of export PATH = $ PATH: / sbin
Modify and maintain a complete file after running the source etc / profile command to make the modifications to take effect immediately

共有 2 条评论

  1. 18stv109030 于 2012-02-28 23:45:37发表:


  2. lijiang 于 2012-01-17 21:10:17发表:

    it is a important topic to set environment variable PATH .