

发布时间:2011-10-21 10:01:55来源:红联作者:008c
(:4181): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_set_valist: object class `GtkMenuItem' has no property named `label'

(:4181): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_set_valist: object class `GtkCheckMenuItem' has no property named `label'
Debug: main: lock_file: /root/.config/smplayer/smplayer_init.lock
Debug: global_init
Debug: global_init: config file: '/root/.config/smplayer/smplayer.ini'
Debug: Preferences::load
Debug: AssStyles::load
Debug: Translator::loadCatalog: can't load qt_zh_CN from /usr/share/smplayer/translations
Debug: Translator::loadCatalog: can't load qt_zh_CN from /opt/qtsdk-2010.02/qt/translations
Debug: Translator::loadCatalog: successfully loaded smplayer_zh_CN from /usr/share/smplayer/translations
this run Linux SMPlayer v. 0.6.9 (SVN r3447)
Debug: this run Linux SMPlayer v. 0.6.9 (SVN r3447)
Debug: Compiled with Qt v. 4.2.1, using 4.6.2
Debug: * application path: '/usr/bin'
Debug: * data path: '/usr/share/smplayer'
Debug: * translation path: '/usr/share/smplayer/translations'
Debug: * doc path: '/usr/share/doc/smplayer-0.6.9'
Debug: * themes path: '/usr/share/smplayer/themes'
Debug: * shortcuts path: '/usr/share/smplayer/shortcuts'
Debug: * config path: '/root/.config/smplayer'
Debug: * ini path: '/root/.config/smplayer'
Debug: * file for subtitles' styles: '/root/.config/smplayer/styles.ass'
Debug: * current path: '/root'
Debug: SMPlayer::processArgs: arguments: 1
Debug: SMPlayer::processArgs: 0 = smplayer
Debug: SMPlayer::processArgs: files_to_play: count: 0
Debug: MyClient::MyClient
Debug: SMPlayer::processArgs: trying to connect to port 0
Debug: SMPlayer::gui: changed working directory to app path
Debug: SMPlayer::gui: current directory: /usr/bin
Debug: Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 0
Debug: Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 0
Debug: Core::changeFileSettingsMethod: hash
Debug: MplayerLayer::setRepaintBackground: 0
Debug: Preferences::monitor_aspect_double
Debug: warning: monitor_aspect couldn't be parsed!
Debug: monitor_aspect set to 0
Debug: Playlist::setModified: 0
Debug: Playlist::loadSettings
Debug: Playlist::setModified: 0
Debug: Playlist::updateView
Debug: Style name: 'gtk+'
Debug: Style class name: 'QGtkStyle'
Debug: Favorites::load
Debug: TVList::parse_channels_conf
Debug: VList::parse_channels_conf: /root/.mplayer/channels.conf.ter doesn't exist
Debug: TVList::parse_channels_conf: can't open /root/.mplayer/channels.conf
Debug: Favorites::load
Debug: TVList::parse_channels_conf
Debug: VList::parse_channels_conf: /root/.mplayer/channels.conf.ter doesn't exist
Debug: TVList::parse_channels_conf: can't open /root/.mplayer/channels.conf

共有 4 条评论

  1. 008c 于 2011-10-23 14:57:09发表:

    4# alick


  2. alick 于 2011-10-22 22:29:24发表:


  3. 008c 于 2011-10-21 17:11:33发表:

    [i=s] 本帖最后由 008c 于 2011-10-21 17:15 编辑 [/i]

    2# fengchen_linux

    添加源后是使用yum install smplayer安装的。

  4. fengchen_linux 于 2011-10-21 13:03:59发表:
