Firefox 2 and 3 (or later)
Handling ED2k links in Firefox can be configured in two ways: either for an individual user, or for all users of the computer.
Configuration for a single user
Insert about:config in the address bar
Right click on the list, select New, then Boolean; insert network.protocol-handler.external.ed2k as Preference Name and true as Value
Now another right click, select New and String; insert network.protocol-handler.app.ed2k as Preference Name and /path/to/ed2k (path to where the file is installed on your system) as Value.
For Ubuntu Lucid users, you should set the Value to just "ed2k" instead of "/usr/bin/ed2k".
For Firefox 3 and higher only, you should also:
Right click on the list, select New, then Boolean; insert network.protocol-handler.expose.ed2k as Preference Name and false as Value
After that, click over an ed2k link, and Firefox should ask which app you want to use to open the link. Choose /usr/bin/ed2k and it should work.
设置后,重启firefox4打开电驴连接网页,打开amule..无法关联。。。。 find / -name ed2k 结果是:/usr/bin/ed2k路径没错。修改为777权限也不行。
2,用 火狐的mldonkey 插件最新为0.12.。。。启动。。。首选项目没有amule模式。。。2.5.xpi版本出现兼容问题。
oohyoou 于 2011-05-28 20:13:39发表:
4# SniperGhost
SniperGhost 于 2011-05-28 13:18:52发表:
alick 于 2011-05-18 22:34:47发表:
也许插件/扩展还没有跟上 firefox 4?
Bydrugs 于 2011-05-18 10:20:00发表: