
Dreamlinux 4.0 Beta

发布时间:2010-06-04 08:40:21来源:红联作者:uytevc
Dreamlinux 4.0 has reached its 5th Beta and is available to Dreamlinux
Community for testings. It's coming with its traditional high speed boot time, a renewed collection of stylish artwork, very fast installation time (between 2 and 3 minutes) in a regular computer by using Dreamlinux provisional textmode installer, an assortment of applications geared toward a Desktop Distro, maintaining a good collection of tools and libraries that allow to develop and compile applications either the usual way or Debian way. Some minor flaws are being addressed and some Dreamlinux in-house applications are being revised, rewritten, added. Everyone will find Dreamlinux to be a great desktop experience. In this regard, international support is being improved in the current beta and will be implemented as a default feature in the final 4.0 release.

The Dreamlinux Development and Community Teams

Powered by Debian
Dreamlinux continues to be built on top of Debian, the venerable, rock-solid and very popular Linux distro.

Be in touch, visit our forum at http://dreamlinuxforums.org and help us to improve Dreamlinux even more with your suggestions, comments, bug reports.

Dreamlinux 4.0 Beta

共有 1 条评论

  1. wangyu 于 2010-06-04 09:58:12发表:
