
About opensource.com

发布时间:2010-01-26 08:52:02来源:红联作者:yuxqw
What problems can we solve? How would it affect the way we learn? Work? Run our governments?

We want to shine a light on the places where the open source way is multiplying ideas and effort, even beyond technology. We believe that opensource.com will be a gathering place for many of the open source stories we'd like to share--through articles, audio, web presentations, video, or open discussion.

The term open source began as a way to describe software source code and the collaborative model for how it's developed. Red Hat used this model for developing technology and built a business model around open source and its principles: Openness. Transparency. Collaboration. Diversity. Rapid prototyping.

The open source way is more than a development model; it defines the characteristics of a culture. Red Hat and other open source thought leaders want to show you where open source is headed next. Tell you how to get involved. Help you apply it to your life and the world around you.


共有 1 条评论

  1. lijiang 于 2010-01-31 13:01:56发表:

    [i=s] 本帖最后由 lijiang 于 2010-1-31 14:58 编辑 [/i]

    what meaning does auther want to express?