
Chinese Pirates Launch Ubuntu That Looks Like XP

发布时间:2009-12-29 09:40:49来源:红联作者:Gout

Ylmf, famous for pirating Windows XP, have just released a version of Ubuntu that looks just like Windows XP. Really, really similar. Apparently because Microsoft were cracking down on the actual Windows XP pirating -- though I think they will still suffer for ripping off the GUI exactly.

Of course, if that's the sort of look you like for your desktop, you need not risk any download cooties or language barriers; a reader in the Ubuntu Forums suggests this instructional video for giving Gnome the XP treatment.

共有 5 条评论

  1. libin1201119 于 2010-07-16 09:39:42发表:

    I can speak a little English,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  2. pengpfx1 于 2010-01-28 23:23:46发表:

    I do not think i can speak English...

  3. 白郧 于 2010-01-17 10:03:54发表:


  4. 白郧 于 2010-01-17 09:58:25发表:

    yes ,I have seen it ,I almost counldnt tell ,but dont like it. It has no feeling of linux

  5. nvng 于 2010-01-02 20:28:02发表:

    Where is the instructional video? Forget?