
Skype will be Open Source

发布时间:2009-11-03 09:17:43来源:红联作者:beipian
Skype (the famous Voice-Over-IP communication program) will be release under an open source license. The story started when Olivier FAURAX (google cache)

sent an email requesting Mandriva version of Skype. After a little chat with customer support , he got this replay “ We understand that many users complain that there is no Mandriva version at present.

We are happy to be able to inform you that Skype will from now on be part of the open source community.

Therefore Linux developers will be enabled to influence the development of the Skype client for Linux - which will most certainly result in specific versions for the different distributions.”

This step will boost adapting Skype as the best communication program in GNU/Linux distributions.

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